Kernel development

Switching to Protected Mode - Kernel_Development - Part 8

Switching to Protected Mode - Kernel_Development - Part 8

What is Protected Mode?

Before we switch to protected mode, let's first learn what is it and what we have to do to switch to it.

Protected mode is a processor state in x86 architectures, which gives access to memory protection, 4 GiB address space and much more. It also provides memory and hardware protection, support to different memory schemes and access to 4 GiB of memory.


Protected mode allows you to protect memory from being accessed and it also allows you to protect hardware from being accessed from user programs.

Ring Protection image.

How this works is, you have different protection levels in your processor. We have what is known as ring zero which is the most privileged ring, you can do anything with this ring, you can talk with hardware, you can destroy memory, you can write and read memory anywhere you want, overwriting things that shouldn't be overwritten and much much more. The kernel runs on ring zero.

You also have Ring 1 and Ring 2, which are generally not used, but they can be used for device drivers. Finally, you have Ring 3, this is the least privileged ring, you put the processor into Ring 3 when you are running user code, this prevents user programs from overriding kernel memory, talking directly with hardware, accessing memory of other programs and using privileged instructions such as sti to enable interrupts and cli to disable them. In fact, how a user program talk to the kernel is through interrupts, and through these interrupts the processor can put itself back into Ring 0 so it can begin running privileged code, and once it's finished, the kernel should put the processor into Ring 3 back again so user programs can continue their execution.

Memory Schemes

There are different memory schemes in protected mode, the segment registers become selective registers and the other memory scheme we have available is paging, this memory scheme allows you to remap memory addresses so address 0x00 points to another address, for example.

Selective Memory Scheme

As I said before, the segment registers become selective registers and the selectors point to data structures that describe memory ranges and the permissions the ring level required to access a given range.

Paging Memory Scheme

The paging memory scheme is the most common scheme for all operating systems and kernels, in fact, if you would like to support the x64 architecture, you MUST use this memory scheme. In this memory scheme you have virtual addresses and you can point those to physical addresses and memory protection is much easier to control.

Memory Access

While in Protected Mode, we can work with 32-bit registers and instructions, we can address up to 4 GiB of memory at any time and we are no longer limited to the 1 MiB of memory provided by Real Mode.

When we switch to Protected Mode, we are actually writing a 32-bit kernel.

Switching to Protected Mode

Before switching to protected mode, I recommend you taking a look at this osdev page as it contains a lot of information about protected mode and even a guide to how to switch to it.

As you can see in the osdev page section "Entering Protected Mode", in the snippet of code, there's a new instruction lgdt which loads a Global Descritor Table and then we have to set the protection enable bit in the cr0 register and then, we jump with the selector and offset to where we want to load and that'd be it, we should be now in Protected Mode.

If you go to the Global Descriptor Table in osdev, you'll see that it contains entries telling the CPU about memory segments. The GDT is loaded using the lgdt assembly instruction, it expects the location of a GDT description structure.

In that same osdev page, you'll find more information about GDT, the flags it takes and much more regarding GDT. We are not going to care that much about it, we will set the default values as we will not use GDT but Paging.

Now, go to your boot.asm file and delete all what we did in the previous entry, delete the following code in your file:

mov ah, 2
mov al, 1
mov ch, 0
mov cl, 2
mov bx, buffer
int 0x13

jc err

mov si, buffer
call print

And also, delete the err, err~msg~, buffer, print and print~char~ label.

Let's now create the Global Descriptor Table. At the end of the jump $ instruction in the step2 label, add two labels a gdt~start~ and a gdt~end~, we will need these labels later to load our GDT:

                ; GDT Code goes here

In between those labels, create another label which will represent a null segment, this label will contain just 64 bits of zeros:

    dd 0x0
    dd 0x0

And now, let's code the offset 0x8 (you can read about all these offsets in the section "Segment Descriptor" in the GDT page in osdev) this offset will define our code descriptor, so just do (after gdt~null~):

    dw 0xffff
    dw 0
    db 0
    db 0x9a
    db 11001111b
    db 0

Note: Don't worry that much about these values, as I mentioned before, these are just the "defaults" as we don't want to work with these descriptors, we will be using paging. Also, on the repository containing this project (see it at the end of this entry, you will find comments).

Now, let's code the offset 0x10 which is our data segment:

    dw 0xffff
    dw 0
    db 0
    db 0x92
    db 11001111b
    db 0

And finally, after the gdt~end~ label, create another label called gdt~descriptor~ and add the following code to it:

    dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
    dd gdt_start

The instruction dw gdt~end~ - gdt~start~ - 1 gives us the size of the descriptor and dd gdt~start~ is the offset.

Note that our origin is 0, that is very important when creating our descriptor, we can fix it very easily, just change the origin back to 0x7c00 and after our short jump, instead of having jmp 0x7c0:step2 change it to jmp 0:step2, so the beginning of your code should look like this:

    ORG 0x7c00
    BITS 16

    jmp short start

    times 33 db 0

    jmp 0:step2

Also, don't forget to change the registers we initialised previously back to 0x00 instead of 0x7c00 (except the stack pointer register sp).

Now, after step2 create a new label called load~protected~ which will be the one that performs the switch from Real Mode to Protected Mode (by the way, delete the infinite jump in step2 as it will be now made when we are in protected mode).

Inside of the load~protected~ label, disable the interrupts using the / instruction and load the GDT using the lgdt keyword like this:


Now, we have to enable the protection bit in the cr0 register, to do, add the following code to your load~protected~ label:

mov eax, cr0
or eax, 1
mov cr0, eax

Once you've added that code, let's create another label right before our boot signature and zero-padding, so there will jump our code once it is in 32-bit protected mode, I'll call it load32

[BITS 32]

Note: It's important to add [BITS 32] so all code underneath it is seen as 32-bit code.

And inside that label, just add an infinite jump for now.

Now, at the top of the file (right after BITS 16) let's create two constants, one called CODE~SEG~ and another one called DATA~SEG~, they will contain the value these two segments should point to.

CODE_SEG equ gdt_code - gdt_start
DATA_SEG equ gdt_data - gdt_start

And once we have those constants, go back to your load~protected~ label and add a jump to load32 specifying the absolute address of CODE~SEG~:

jmp CODE_SEG:load32

Now, you can make your project and make run to test it, if it is stuck at "Booting from Hard Disk" it means everything went okay and nothing crashed (if it didn't, compare your code with that in the git repository provided at the end of the lesson).

If it didn't crash, that's a very good sign, but now we also have to be sure it works fine, to test that let's use GDB. So, open up a terminal and execute gdb and inside GDB execute target remote | qemu-system-x86~64~ -hda boot.bin -S -gdb stdio, that command will fire up a qemu instance but it will be stoped (your bootloader won't be executed immediately) and the control will be back to the GDB shell, once you are back in the GDB shell press "c" to continue with the execution of the program and once your bootloader is running, wait a little and press CTRL+C in the terminal GDB is running, once you can type again in GDB execute layout asm and you should be in the infinite jump that is located in the load32 label.

If you are in that infinite jump, it means you are now in protected mode. Now that we are in protected mode, let's setup our registers as well. You can exit now QEMU and type "quit" in GDB to close it and go back to your boot.asm file. To set the registers just go to the load32 label and add the following piece of code before the infinite jump:

mov ax, DATA_SEG
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
mov ebp, 0x00200000
mov esp, ebp

Now that we are in protected mode, our kernel is running 32-bit code and we cannot longer access the BIOS, if we attempt to do it, bad and weird things are going to happen, so don't try it :p.

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