Interrupts are something like subroutines, but you don't need to know their memory address to invoke them, you call them through the use of interrupt numbers such as 1, 2, and 3, rather than memory addresses, interrupts can be set up by the programmer, for example, you could set the interrupt 0x32 to point somewhere in your code, therefore, when someone does int 0x32 it will invoke the defined interrupt.
First, the processor gets interrupted, the old state is pushed to the stack, saving it - in includes things like the return address - and after that, the interrupt is executed.
The Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) is a table describing where the interrupts are located in memory, we have 256 interrupt handlers and each of those entries in the table is 4 bytes, the first two bytes represent the offset in memory, and the next two bytes represent the segment. Interrupts are also in numerical order in the table.
The Interrupt Vector Table starts at absolute address 0 in RAM, it's the first byte in memory. The first four bytes describe interrupt 0, the next four bytes describe interrupt 1, the next four interrupt 2 and so on until interrupt 256. The following is a fictitious IVT:
Offset | Segment |
0x0000 | 0x7c00 |
0x0000 | 0x7f00 |
0x0000 | 0x7c10 |
0x0000 | 0x7c80 |
As you can imagine, each of these interrupts are called by their number (1, 2, 3 and 4, in order) and when the offset and the segment addresses are added, it will return the absolute address of the routine that executes this interrupt.
Let's create our own interrupt.
In your boot.asm file, create a label like this:
An interrupt can do anything you want, the one we are creating will print an 'A' character to the screen, so add the following code in the handle~int0~ label:
mov ah, 0eh
mov al, 'A'
mov bx, 0x00
int 0x10
Note: We use the 'iret' keyword at the end of any interrupt, as it represents that's where the interrupt ends.
What we have to do now is to change the IVT, so when we call the interrupt 0 it will execute our handle~int0~ interrupt.
With what I mentioned before, we know that the interrupt 0 starts at absolute address 0x00 in RAM, so the first two bytes of RAM are the offset for the interrupt, and the next two byets are the segment for the interrupt 0, so we would only need to do this after we initialise the registers and enable the interrupts in the step2 routine:
mov word [ss:0x00], handle_int0
mov word [ss:0x02], 0x7c0
int 0
Note: We use the stack segment (when doing mov word [ss:hex~num~]), because if we don't tell the assembler to use the stack segment, it will use the data segment which currently points at 0x7c0 which would be a problem, that's why we add ss: which means an address in the stack segment. We could also change the data segment and set it back with the value it should have, but this is just easier.
Now, if we assemble our program and we execute it, we would get an output like the following:
The Interrupt 0 is an exception when one number is divided by zero, so what we can do now, is to divide a number by zero and our interrupt will be called when we do that. You can divide by zero in Assembly doing:
mov ax, 0x00
div ax
That piece of code will set the value of the ax register to zero and then divide it by itself. Our interrupt will be called again.
You can get more information about the available exceptions here.
And this is this lesson's commit: here