Before we continue writing code, let's first organise our project.
I want our kernel's tree source directory to follow a FreeBSD/Linux-like style, as I think it is pretty clean and the way it is structured makes it very easy to work around with.
So first, let's create two folders "arch/i386" to store our i386 exclusive architecture files, and there we will store our boot.asm file.
mkdir -p arch/i386
mv boot.asm arch/i386
Now, let's update our Makefile. Delete all the contents of it and let's rewrite it.
ECHO=echo -e
all: arch/i386/boot.bin $(OBJS)
arch/i386/boot.bin: arch/i386/boot.asm
@$(ECHO) "ASM\t\t"$<
@$(ASM) -f bin $< -o $@
run: all
@$(QEMU) -hda arch/i386/boot.bin
@rm -Rf $(OBJS)
%.asm: ; # This is to fix a circular dependecy bug :p
As you can see our Makefile is pretty much different now, there are several variables at the top "CROSS~PATH~", "LD", "CC" "ASM", "ECHO", "QEMU" and "OBJS".
"CROSS~PATH~" is the path where our cross-compiler binaries are stored in, CC is the executable of our cross-compiler and LD the linker we will use to link our kernel together, ASM will be used for the assembler
There's nothing yet in the all label, but there will later be stuff when we start using C and a linker to align correctly our data.
The run label, as it did before runs our kernel in QEMU and finally, the clean label deletes all the compiled object files.
Before we start working in loading our operating system into memory, let's first move some of the 32-bit code in the boot.asm file to an own assembly file that will be linked with the rest of objects that are produced when compiling our kernel.
Once we have that big file that contains all the objects linked together, then it will be dd'd with our bootloader to occupy the rest of sectors and boot.asm will load them into memory later.
So, create a new file called kernel.asm in the sys folder and there just move the BITS 32 instruction and all the load32 label (including the infinite jump).
Now, in boot.asm we cannot reference load32 because our boot.asm file and kernel.asm are not linked together. What we will do to load our 32 bit code kernel, is to load it into a memory address and then we'll jump to it. For now, comment out the jmp CODE~SEG~:load32 line in the .load~protected~ label.
Now, let's make a linker script because soon we will start using C and Assembly together, and this script will describe how it should link our kernel, where things should be placed, etc.
So create a new file called linker.ld in the root directory of your kernel:
ENTRY (_start)
. = 1M;
.text :
.rodata :
.data :
.bss :
Don't worry that much if you don't understand what any of that means, we will just write that file once for the entire project.
The . = 1M; instruction says that, when we link our kernel object files using that script, it will set their origin at 1 megabyte in memory, that is, 0x100000, so that's the memory address we'll be using when loading our kernel in memory.
Now, go to your Makefile and add the following rule:
sys/kernel.asm.o: sys/kernel.asm
@$(ECHO) "ASM\t\t"$<
@$(ASM) -f elf -g $< -o $@
Don't forget to append sys/kernel.asm.o to the OBJS variable. And now, let's make the all label create a new file called "os.out" which will be our operating system executable.
all: arch/i386/boot.bin $(OBJS)
dd if=arch/i386/boot.bin > arch/i386/os.out
As we haven't linked our kernel files, we cannot append a kernel file to it, but we will do it once we have it. Now, if you compile it, you will see an error in the kernel.asm file, we are referencing constants that do not exist in that file, to fix it, just add this at the beginning of the file (after [BITS 32]):
CODE_SEG equ 0x08
DATA_SEG equ 0x10
If you do make again, you'll see that there's now a file called os.out in the arch/i386 folder. Note that you will have to add that file to the ones removed by the clean label and also replace it with the file that run executes, your Makefile should look like this now:
all: arch/i386/boot.bin $(OBJS)
dd if=arch/i386/boot.bin > arch/i386/os.out
arch/i386/boot.bin: arch/i386/boot.asm
@$(ECHO) "ASM\t\t"$<
@$(ASM) -f bin $< -o $@
sys/kernel.asm.o: sys/kernel.asm
@$(ECHO) "ASM\t\t"$<
@$(ASM) -f elf -g $< -o $@
run: all
@$(QEMU) -hda arch/i386/os.out
@rm -Rf arch/i386/boot.bin arch/i386/os.out $(OBJS)
%.asm: ;
Now, we need to add another rule to compile a kernel.out file which will contain all the objects files of our kernel linked together, that rule looks like this:
sys/kernel.out: $(OBJS)
@$(LD) -g -relocatable $(OBJS) -o sys/kernelfull.o
@$(CC) -T linker.ld -o $@ -ffreestanding -O0 -nostdlib sys/kernelfull.o
Once you add that rule, you can delete the OBJS dependency in all and instead, add sys/kernel.out.
If you now do make your project, there will be a warning because we did not define a ~start~ label, let's fix that problem. Go to your kernel.asm file and rename load32 to ~start~ and also, at the beginning of the file (after the BITS 32 instruction), define it as a global label:
global _start
And now that error should be gone.
Now that we have two binary files, we have to add it to our final kinl.bin file, to so just add the following commands in the all rule of your Makefile:
@dd if=sys/kernel.out >> kinl.bin
@dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=100 >> kinl.bin
What those commands do is to add the sys/kernel.out file to kinl.bin and also, it appends 100 sectors of zeros to that file, if you don't want to use magic numbers, you can create another variable in your Makefile like "NO~SECTORS~" (number of sectors) and replace it in the last dd command.
Note: Don't forget to update the file name in the run rule of your Makefile.
We need to enable the A20 line before we continue with our kernel, or there might be problems later, if we don't enable it, we won't have access to the 21st bit of any memory access.
Enabling the A20 line is very easy, we just have to read from port 0x92, then we set a bit in the register and we write it back to port 0x92.
To enable A20 line, just add the following piece of code after we initialised the registers in the ~start~ label:
in al, 0x92
or al, 2
out 0x92, al
If you haven't seen the in or out instructions before, what they basically do, is just read or write to the processor bus.
Once you've enabled A20 line, make your project and run it again in QEMU to check everything has worked successfully.
Now that our kernel source is getting bigger, we need to write a simple disk driver to load it into memory, it will load the number of sectors written in kinl.bin into memory address 0x100000.
Let's get started by uncomming the jmp CODE~SEG~:load32 line in the boot.asm file and create again the load32 label at the end of the file (before the boot signature).
[BITS 32]
We will use that label to load our kernel into memory, but as we are in protected mode, we cannot use the BIOS so we will write a simple ATA LBA driver, in that label add the following code:
mov eax, 1
mov ecx, 100
mov edi, 0x0100000
call ata_lba_read
jmp CODE_SEG:0x0100000
Those are the parameters of a function we haven't created yet called ata~lbaread~, eax is the LBA, ecx is the number of sectors you want to load into memory, in our case 100, the edi register is the address in memory where our kernel will be loaded and finally, we are calling that function and jumping to the 0x0100000 address.
This is the function ata~lbaread~ (I won't explain it as we will use it only once and when we do it in C I will explain it as good as I can - I promise -):
mov ebx, eax ; Backup the LBA
;; Send the highest 8 bits of the LBA to the hard disk controller
shr eax, 24
or eax, 0xE0
mov dx, 0x1F6
out dx, al
;; Finished sending the highest 8 bits of the LBA
;; Send the total sectors to read
mov eax, ecx
mov dx, 0x1F2
out dx, al
;; Finished sending the total sectors to read
;; Send more bits of the LBA
mov eax, ebx ; Restore the backup LBA
mov dx, 0x1F3
out dx, al
;; Finished sending more bits of the LBA
;; Send more bits of the LBA
mov dx, 0x1F4
mov eax, ebx ; Restore the backup LBA
shr eax, 8
out dx, al
;; Finished sending more bits of the LBA
;; Send upper 16 bits of the LBA
mov dx, 0x1F5
mov eax, ebx ; Restore the backup LBA
shr eax, 16
out dx, al
;; Finished sending upper 16 bits of the LBA
mov dx, 0x1F7
mov al, 0x20
out dx, al
;; Read all sectors into memory
push ecx
;; Checking if we need to read
mov dx, 0x1F7
in al, dx
test al, 8
jz .try_again
;; We need to read 256 words at a time
mov ecx, 256
mov dx, 0x1F0
rep insw
pop ecx
loop .next_sector
;; End of reading sectors into memory
If you make your kernel again and you do make run you probably won't see any differences but let's debug it with GDB now.
As we built our sys/kernelfull.o file with debugging symbols, let's load those symbols to GDB, we have to load them into address 0x0100000 so they are aligned correctly, you can execute this command to load the symbols:
add-symbol-file sys/kernelfull.o 0x0100000
Press 'y' and now attach GDB as we've been doing it forever:
target remote | qemu-system-i386 -hda kinl.bin -S -gdb stdio
And there, let's create a breakpoint in ~start~ as we know it would get executed only if our operating system gets loaded successfully, execute:
break _start
And finally, press 'c' to continue. You should see that the execution stopped at the breakpoint we set, press 'c' again and after a little while press CTRL+C again, if you execute "layout asm" you should see that we are in the infinite loop, that means our operating system got loaded into memory and the A20 line was successfully enabled.